Saturday, July 6, 2013

South America-Day 4- Machu Picchu- "Mucho Picchu"

That is not a typo, we saw and did mucho today! Going to MP was definitely a highlight of this trip when we were planning it. We've talked about going for several years and we were over the moon to actually be going-- today was the big day! We boarded a bus at a few minutes to 6 after grabbing boxed lunches on the way. The bus trip was about 30 minutes up a road that twisted and turned as it wound it's way up the mountain. There was a bit of a line to get in when we arrived but it only took about 15 minutes to enter (they allow 2500 visitors daily and tickets must be purchased ahead of time).

We immediately headed to the guard's hut/ watchman's tower to take the iconic viewpoint photos and hope for the clouds to clear so MP would be bathed in its version of sunrise (told around 7). Unfortunately the sun did not light the site, but we fit in some incredible photos and enjoyed the beginning of our big day. The funerary rock is also up here right by the hut. This lookout also has tons of terraces which are a great place to sit and just soak it all in.

Next we headed down to the upper part of the main plaza and completed that part of the route including the main gate, the temple of the 3 windows, and intiwanta observatory.  On the steps down from this last point, we ran across two llamas hanging out on the terrace and slowing down the crowds trying to pass-- our first llamas!

After a quick bathroom break back at the entrance, we headed to the far end of the site just past the Sacred Rock which parallels the mountain range behind it.

Sitting behind it, we had a snack before our hike up Waynapicchu (the mountain that grounds the photos of MP). Only 400 visitors are allowed up daily, in two shifts (one at 7 and one at 10) and we were really looking forward to this. It's supposed to be a challenging hike in that it is very steep and can be daunting for anyone with a fear of heights, and the way some of these hikers were dressed and warming up added to the intimidation a bit. We signed into the hike at 10:20 and made it up within an hour, taking frequent breaks for water and incredible photo ops. The hike was difficult but better than expected, particularly with regard to the heights.

Once we got to the top and caught our breath, we unpacked our boxed lunches and picnicked on top of the world. Proceeding to the very top of the mountain required a quick crawl through a tunnel and then a short ladder and then we emerged on the top of a pile of rocks overlooking the site in its entirety. Coming down was a little harder-- we wanted to take the path to the temple of the moon to take a longer hike, but it was closed. The stairs from the very top back down to the terraces were very steep and narrow so it took some time to navigate. Otherwise going down was easier than up so when we came to the point in the trail where the temple of the moon path cuts in, we decided to do the path in this direction. Sadly it started raining about quarter of the way in and when we reached the halfway point or so, a guard turned us around and told us we couldn't go to the temple- boo!

We then backtracked and completed the hike to the entrance, signing out at 1:45. After this we sat for a few minutes then finished the lower circuit. This included the 3 doorways, temple of condor, inca house and temple of the sun.

We were pretty worn out by this point so we took another snack break and debated our strategy. Maximizing our time here was key so we got back on our feet and headed up for one last hike before they kicked us out at closing. So we headed back up following a path past the watchman's hut to the sun gate. This is where the inca trail hikers get their first view of MP and boy, was it worth the end of day push. The sun came out and we had a picture perfect view of the whole place. We had just enough time to take a few pictures then the guard started closing up shop.

Back down the hill and to the bus, catching one right at 5 and back down to Aguas at 5:30.  We swung back by the hotel then caught a train, arriving at El Albergue in Ollantaytambo around 8:20. Promptly checked in and had a fantastic dinner at the hotel, including an awesome vegetable and homemade pasta dish. Wiped out, we grabbed showers and fell into bed! We've been to MACHU PICCHU!!

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